You can search the artist listings to discover art that appeals to you. Search on artist name, town or street name or just type in terms such as 'printmaking', 'painting' or 'ceramics'. It's easy.
The map shows your location as you move around between venues and helps you to ensure that you don't miss anything!
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Please note that most of the phone screenshots on this webpage are taken from the 2019 North Somerset Arts Week app and do not necessarily represent artists who are participating in 2021.
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Tap a venue for a list of artists.
Tap an artist name for more information about their work.
Zoom in for a more detailed view.
Find artists who are right up your street.
Know what you like?
Enter terms like 'painting', 'illustration', 'ceramics' or 'sculpture', or search by subject matter such as 'birds' or 'architecture'.
Know who you're looking for?
Type in the artist name such as 'Ruth Ander' or 'Phil Cunliffe'.
Enter the name of a venue or a town to see all artists in that location, eg: 'Long Ashton', 'Congresbury', 'Coach House'.
Information about each artist with one or more photos of their work.
Explore Bristol with our easy-to-follow smartphone apps including the Banksy Bristol Trail.
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